Enhancing Your Text Layout
The important factor for beautiful and persuasive documentation is the layout
of the text. Centering the title. Presenting a table o f text and numbers with
tabulation. Making the text more readable with right margin flush and
indentation. Although it is difficult to type the table of text and numbers
with conventional mechanical typewriters, this typewriter has useful
functions such as the framing function that draws lines around the text and the
column layout function that eliminates calculation o f the number of characters
for each text column.
R EM EM BER... You can make use of these enhancing features in the TYPE and
WP inodes unless otherwise described. The phrase text you define in the
PHRASE EDIT mode can contain the centering and right margin flush
functions. Just press the keys to show the function symbols in the phrase entry
area. The defined functions are executed when the phrase text is inserted in the
File. However in the MERGE FILE mode, these text-enhancing features are not
available. The following sections describe the operating steps especially for
the TYPE and WP modes.
Centering (WP Mode)
On this typewriter two different centering types are available in the WP mode.
The text can be centered between the right and left margins and between
normal flush left tabs. This section describes the operation in the WP mode.
Between Margins
You can center the text between the right and left margins.
Left Margin
Right Margin
C e n t e r i n g
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