As you see, the text is typed flush left but ragged right. This status is called
non-justified. You can easily justify the text.
Move the cursor to the beginning o f the paragraph starting with the text
"The purpose. . . 11
Press the O PER A TE key to activate the justification function.
The ALITO indicator flickers to show the JUST mode is selected. The
paragraph of the last two lines is justified. With the JUST mode on, you
can continue typing text flush right and left. Note the difference that
the AUTO indicator comes on when the AUTO mode is selected.
[10] Press the O PER A TE key again to inactivate the justification function.
The AUTO indicator stops flickering. The last paragraph returns to non-
justified status.
Now the cursor is blinking to show the OVERTYPE mode is selected.:
[11] Press the IN SERT key to activate the INSERT mode.
With the OVERTYPE mode selected, you can type text over the existing
text. When the INSERT mode is selected, the cursor changes to the blank
cursor ( [ ] ) . You can insert text but not overtype the existing text. The
text after the cursor position automatically moves accordingly.
[12] Press the CURSOR keys to move the cursor to the position where you
want to insert a word; in this case, the first letter "t" o f the word
[13] Type a word like "new” and a space.
The word to add is indicated outlined in the following example.
a feel for customer reaction to our a e w typewriter.
[14] Press the IN SERT key again to select the OVERTYPE mode.
R E M E M B E R ...If you continue the practice with the INSERT mode selected,
the key functions and the cursor motion may be different from ones in the
OVERTYPE mode. For this practice, be sure to select the OVERTYPE mode.
Try key operations in the INSERT mode later.____________________________
[15] Press the R E LO C (Relocate) key to move back to the end of text; for
this practice, just after the colon. And press the
(R etu rn ) key twice.
Note that pressing the
(Express Backspace) key moves the cursor
to the beginning o f text.