Special Functions
Special functions are available on this typewriter. With the useful phrase
library, you can type frequently-used same text with ease. You can easily draw
frames and lines with the framing function. And you can easily type multi-
column of text and tables with the other multi-column and column layout
functions. The functions and operations o f these special features are subject to
the mode you select, W P or TYPE mode.
Phrase Library
The phrase library is available on this typewriter. You can store the
frequently-used text in the library as phrases. The phrase library can have 20
different phrases in the internal memory. While typing in the WP or TYPE
mode, you can call phrases into the text.
If your typewriter has the optional floppy disk drive, you can store the phrase
library on the floppy disks. The phrase libraries have the .PIIR extension at the
end of their filenames. However to use disk-stored phrase libraries, you must
load any of them into the internal memory. Once you load a certain phrase
library into the internal memory, you can make use o f it until you load the
other one from the disks.
Using the Phrase Library
Because you can use the phrase library in both the W P and TYPE modes, you can
open the PHRASE EDIT screen on the WP MAIN screen, while editing the
text, and while typing in the TYPE mode. This section describes the basic
techniques for the phrase library.
Follow these steps to create and use the phrase library:
Press the PHRASE key.
The PHRASE EDIT screen appears like this:
0 B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T
R E M E M B E R ...If your typewriter has the optional floppy disk drive, you can
store phrase libraries onto the disks. If you want to store and use the phrase
libraries with the disk drive, you must know the other operation techniques.
First of all follow these steps to master the basic and common techniques to
use the phrase library. For further information, refer to the next section
"Using the Phrase Library with the Disk Drive."