Type the longest word or number for the next column.
Repeat the above steps 6 and 7 for all columns.
If you failed to type the longest words or numbers for columns, press the
CORRECTION key to delete all input data.
Once you complete the column layout function, all tab stops stored
before are cleared. To quit the column layout function halfway, clear all
the inpul data for columns except the paragraph indent symbol with the
CORRECTION key and press the CORRECTION key or CODE +
COLUMN keys. The function is canceled and the carrier returns to the
left margin.
Press the CODE + COLUMN keys again.
The typewriter automatically sets flush left and decimal tab stops and
the carrier moves to the left end of the first column.
Because the whole table is centered between the right and left margins, it
is automatically indented along the first tab stop. The typewriter enters
the paragraph indent mode and the P IND indicator lights.
[10] Type a word or number for the first column.
[11] Press die — X (Tab) key to move to the second column.
[12] Type words and numbers until you complete the table.
[13] Press the CODE + IND CLR keys to return the carrier to the original
left margin.
The following figure shows an example o f the column layout function.
Tab stops are set automatically