MS-860 Industrial Raster Reader User’s Manual
Optoisolator Inputs A-7
Optoisolator Outputs A-5
Ordered Output 13-1, 13-10
Ordered Output by ESP 13-11
Ordered Output by Serial Command 13-12
Other Codes 9-30
Output # 13-5, 13-7
Output # 1 Pulse 15-6
Output # 2 Pulse 15-6
Output # 3 Pulse 15-6
Output 1 10-1, 10-16
Output 2 10-1, 10-23
Output 3 10-1, 10-24
Output Circuit Examples A-5
Output Format i-v, 9-8, 13-1
Output Format by ESP 13-1, 13-2
Output Format by Serial Command 13-1, 13-2
Output Format Examples by Serial Command 13-7
Output Format Insertion 13-6
Output Format Overview 13-1, 13-3
Output Format Status 13-3, 13-8
Output Format Status by ESP 13-9
Output Indicators 10-1, 10-10
Output Mode (Output 1) 10-18
Output On 10-16
Output State (Output 1) 10-17
Outputs 15-6
Over Temperature 10-21
Overview of Configuration Database 5-2
Overview of Matchcode 11-1, 11-3
aux port 6-8
Parity, Aux Port 6-8
Parity, Host Port 6-3
PDF Status 9-26
PDF417 9-26
Pharmacode 9-24
Pharmacode Status 9-24
Picket Fence A-20
Pitch 1-6
Placeholder Character 13-13
Point-to-Point (standard) 6-4
Point-to-Point with RTS/CTS 6-5
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