XtrapulsPac - User Guide
Chapter 3 – Reference
Sub Index
Error Stop 3 mask 2
Data Type
Object Class
Access rw
PDO Mapping
Value See
Default value
These 2 elements (0x3025,5 and 0x3025,6) allow triggering a stop 3 when the corresponding error occurs.
Stop On Error operation
Drive parameters 0x3025,3 and 0x3025,4 (Error Stop 2 mask) allow selecting a Stop 2 behaviour (Slow down
ramp) for a given drive fault when this fault occurs.
Drive parameters 0x3025,5 and 0x3025,6 (Error Stop 3 mask) allow selecting a Stop 3 behaviour (Slow down in
current limitation) for a given drive fault when this fault occurs.
On a given fault occurrence, if the corresponding bit is equal to 0 in both “Error Stop 1 mask” and “Error Stop 3
mask” parameters, a Stop 0 is executed (power stage switched off and motor brake activated). This is the default
drive configuration for the Stop on error functionality.
The Stop 2 and Stop 3 selections are not compatible with any fault occurrence situation.
The conditions for a possible Stop 3 operation are listed below:
-motor power control is fully operating
-motor position feedback signal is not corrupted
The Stop 2 selection is more restrictive than Stop 3 because the slow down ramp requires a correct motion
control chaining when the fault occurs. The conditions for a possible Stop 2 operation are listed below:
-motor power control is fully operating
-motor position feedback signal is not corrupted
-position and speed set point are not corrupted
The Stop 2 or Stop 3 selection requires a careful failure case analysis. The drive operating mode, the application
context and the machine safety requirements must all be considered.
For example, in the Interpolated Position mode, if a communication error occurs, the drive internal position set
point is corrupted and can cause a wrong slow down ramp chaining. This situation can result in an uncontrolled
motor movement. But if the drive is operating in Sequence mode, the drive position set point is not concerned by
the fieldbus communication and the Stop 1 selection is then possible.
If an exhaustive failure case analysis in the application context cannot be carried, Stop 0 must be selected.
Most faults are not compatible with the Stop 3 or Stop 2 selections. The possible “Stop on error” selection
regarding the drive faults are listed in the chart below. When Stop 2 and Stop 3 are both compatible, the Stop 3
selection must be preferred.
A wrong “Stop on error” selection can cause uncontrolled motor movements that can be
dangerous for operator and machine. It is the user's responsibility to check that a Stop 0 or
Stop 2 or Stop 3 selection is compatible with his application.