XtrapulsPac - User Guide
Chapter 3 – Reference
Example of Stepper Emulation Configuration
1. Selection of the Stepper Emulation Mode
- Mode of operation 0x6060,0 = -2 (this can be done in Gem Drive Studio)
2. Activate PULSE/DIR inputs:
- Enable the TTL incremental encoder input
- Disable the encoder error control: 0x3025,1 = 0x00240000
- Setup the PULSE/DIR with 0x3681,3 = 0x013A (Inputs from Hall Effect Sensor lines on the encoder connector)
- Set the User position scaling parameter (0x6093-2) according to the desired motor speed
Motor Speed (rpm)=60 * Pulse_Frequency / User position scaling (0x6093-2) for simple count selection
Motor Speed (rpm)=120 * Pulse_Frequency / User position scaling (0x6093-2) for double count selection
3. Setup the PULSE_CNT output:
- PULSE_CNT timing: 0x3681,4 = 10
- Connect PULSE_CNT signal to logic output OUT3
0x3504,3 = 0x36810201 (this can be done in Gem Drive Studio)
4. The auto-tuning must be executed with "minimum position overshoot".
After the auto-tuning, the Kav Feedforward acceleration Gain term (0x60FB,4) must be reset at 0. - Analog Speed Mode
Analog Speed Mode
In this mode, the Xtrapuls drive operates as a variable speed drive.
The speed reference is the analog input 1.
The maximum speed defined by 0x6080 is reached with 10 V input.
The acceleration time from 0 to maximum speed and the deceleration time from maximum speed to 0 are defined
in ms by object 0x604F.
The deceleration time is also defined in ms by object 0x304F. This allows setting a deceleration time different
from the acceleration time.
Operation Mode number: -1 (0x6060)
If HALT bit in control word (0x6040) is set, the speed reference is reset at 0.
Index 0x604F
Name Velocity
Object Code
Data Type
Object Class
Access rw
PDO Mapping
Unit ms
Value Range
0 - 0x3FFF80
Default Value
This object defines the acceleration time from 0 to maximum motor speed defined in 0x6080, and the deceleration
time from maximum motor speed to 0.