XtrapulsPac - User Guide
Chapter 3 – Reference
Functional Description
The "Homing Current Limit" parameter defines the limit of current in the motor during the homing procedure.
When the mechanical limit is reached, the current in the motor increases up to this limit and the motor speed is 0.
This position will be taken as the homing position. An offset value (object 607Ch) can be used to preset the
homing position value.
Methods -1 and -2 define the homing on the mechanical limit with index pulse.
Methods -3 and -4 define the homing on the mechanical limit.
End on Home Position
This parameter allows the drive not reversing at the end of the homing.
If set at 1, it makes a move towards the home position when the homing is over. If cleared, the home position is
found but not moved to.
Index 0x309D
End on Home Position
Object Code
Data Type
Object Class
Access rw
PDO Mapping
Default Value