Chapter 4 Parameters
Analog Output Gain
Unit: %
1 to 200%
Factory Setting: 100
This parameter sets the voltage range of the analog output signal AFM.
When Pr.03.03 is set to 0, the analog output voltage is directly proportional to the output
frequency of the AC motor drive. With Pr.03.04 set to 100%, the Maximum Output Frequency
(Pr.01.00) of the AC motor drive corresponds to +10VDC on the AFM output.
Similarly, if Pr.03.03 is set to 1, the analog output voltage is directly proportional to the output
current of the AC drive. With Pr.03.04 set to 100%, then 2.5 times the rated current
corresponds to +10VDC on the AFM output.
Any type of voltmeter can be used. If the meter reads full scale at a voltage less than 10V, Pr.
03.04 should be set using the following formula:
Pr. 03.04 = ((meter full scale voltage)/10) x 100%
For Example: When using the meter with full scale of 5 volts, adjust Pr.03.04 to 50%. If
Pr.03.03 is set to 0, then 5VDC will correspond to Maximum Output Frequency.
Terminal Count Value
0 to 9999
Factory Setting: 0
This parameter sets the count value of the internal counter. To increase the internal counter,
one of Pr.04.05 to 04.08 should be set to 12. It can be used in the counter control application.
Upon completion of counting, the specified output terminal will be activated. (Pr.03.00 to
Pr.03.01 set to 10). (the count value will be reset after reaching the setting of Pr.03.05)
Related parameters: Pr.03.00(Multi-function Output Relay (RA1, RB1, RC1)), Pr.03.01(Multi-
function Output Terminal MO1), Pr.04.05(Multi-function Input Terminal (MI3)), Pr.04.06(Multi-
function Input Terminal (MI4)), Pr.04.07(Multi-function Input Terminal (MI5)) and
Pr.04.08(Multi-function Input Terminal (MI6))
When the display shows c555, the drive has counted 555 times. If display shows c555
, it means that
real counter value is between 5,550 and 5,559.
Preliminary Count Value
0 to 9999
Factory Setting: 0
When the counter value counts from c1 to this value, the corresponding multi-function output
terminal will be activated.
This parameter sets the count value of the internal counter. To increase the internal counter,
one of Pr.04.05 to 04.08 should be set to 12. Upon completion of counting, the specified output
terminal will be activated. (Pr.03.00 to Pr.03.01 set to 11).
It can be used as an indication for the AC motor drive run in low speed to stop.
Related parameters: Pr.03.00(Multi-function Output Relay (RA1, RB1, RC1)), Pr.03.01(Multi-
function Output Terminal MO1), Pr.04.05(Multi-function Input Terminal (MI3)), Pr.04.06(Multi-
function Input Terminal (MI4)), Pr.04.07(Multi-function Input Terminal (MI5)) and
Pr.04.08(Multi-function Input Terminal (MI6)
Example: The timing diagram for Pr.03.05=5 and Pr.03.06=3