P 500[0] - ENC_CH1_ActVal[0].SingleTurn
P 500[1] - ENC_CH1_ActVal[1].MultiTurn
are used, for example, to indicate the current position value at the output for encoder
channel Ch1. These parameters can also be used for checking purposes during
This value at the encoder channel output...
Already contains the encoder gearing ratio factor (N/D)
Will be passed into the system in this way (incl. the
encoder gearing ratio)
I.e. is “the value” from the encoder evaluation system
The encoder gearing ratio has a multiplicative effect on the position progress, i.e.
either “expanding” or “compressing”.
A distinction can be drawn between an encoder’s motor mode and field mode:
Motor mode: The encoder is the motor commutation encoder
Field encoder: The encoder is
the motor commutation encoder (instead, it
is an additional encoder in the “field”, e.g. used for position control purposes)
In motor mode, the encoder gearing is used exclusively to synchronize the motor
shaft with the encoder shaft (default: 1:1 if the shaft is the same). In this case, a
position progress value will be passed to the system at the encoder channel output.
This value will be proportional to the position progress of the motor’s commutation
(adjusted for the pole pair number).
In field mode, the encoder gearing can be used “freely” for scaling purposes.
ID No.: CB40859-001 Date: 11/2020
MSD Servo Drive - Device Help
6 Encoder
6.6 Channel 2: Interface X6
Image 6.3: Encoder configuration channel 2 (X6) screen
This screen is used to select the encoder for channel Ch2. This channel is used to
measure position changes periodically and add them up cyclically – this is referred
to as “cyclical evaluation”. Encoder channel Ch2 does not feature an absolute value
interface. In addition to evaluating resolvers, this channel can also be used to
capture “simple” Sin/Cos signals (up to a max. of 1 kHz and with no zero pulse).
Resolvers must always be evaluated using encoder channel Ch2 (P 506 - ENC_
CH2_Sel = RES(1)). The resolver pole pairs are set via P 560[0] - ENC_CH2_Lines.