1.11 Positioning extension setting servo parameters group ([Pr. PV_ _ ])
[Pr. PV29_Acceleration limit (ACCLMT)]
Set the acceleration limit value to be used in the profile position mode (pp), profile velocity mode (pv), homing mode (hm), and
JOG operation mode (jg).
The unit can be changed to 0.001 mm/s
, 0.0001 inch/s
, 0.001 degree/s
, or pulse/s
with [Pr. PT01.2 Unit for position data].
If this servo parameter is set to "0", the acceleration limit is disabled.
This function is enabled when [Pr. PT01.1 Speed/acceleration/deceleration unit selection] is set to "1".
The servo motor accelerates by the setting value of this servo parameter when the following conditions are met:
• The setting value of [Pr. PV05 Profile acceleration] is "0" in pp, pv, or jg mode
• The setting value of [Pr. PV15 Homing acceleration] is "0" in hm mode
This function corresponds to [Max acceleration (Obj. 60C5h)].
When the object is mapped to the cyclic communication, do not write values with engineering tools because the controller
overwrites the servo parameter values written with engineering tools.
[Pr. PV31_Deceleration limit (DECLMT)]
Set the deceleration limit value to be used in the profile position mode (pp), profile velocity mode (pv), homing mode (hm), and
JOG operation mode (jg).
The unit can be changed to 0.001 mm/s
, 0.0001 inch/s
, 0.001 degree/s
, or pulse/s
with [Pr. PT01.2 Unit for position data].
If this servo parameter is set to "0", the deceleration limit is disabled.
This function is enabled when [Pr. PT01.1 Speed/acceleration/deceleration unit selection] is set to "1".
The servo motor decelerates by the setting value of this servo parameter when the following conditions are met:
• The setting value of [Pr. PV07 Profile deceleration] is "0" in pp, pv, or jg mode
• The setting value of [Pr. PV15 Homing acceleration] or [Pr. PV17 Homing deceleration] is "0" in hm mode
This function corresponds to [Max deceleration (Obj. 60C6h)].
When the object is mapped to the cyclic communication, do not write values with engineering tools because the controller
overwrites the servo parameter values written with engineering tools.
[Pr. PV33_Master-slave operation - Speed limit adjusted value
extension setting (VLLE)]
Set the minimum value of the slave axis speed limit for the slave axis torque mode (slt).
The unit can be changed to pulses/s with [Pr. PT01.2 Unit for position data].
This servo parameter is enabled only in the slave axis torque mode.
This function is enabled when [Pr. PT01.1 Speed/acceleration/deceleration unit selection] is set to "1". This function and [Pr.
PD32 Master-slave operation - Slave-side speed limit adjusted value] are mutually exclusive.
This function corresponds to [Master-slave Lower limit of velocity limit value (Obj. 2E46h)].
When the object is mapped to the cyclic communication, do not write values with engineering tools because the controller
overwrites the servo parameter values written with engineering tools.
Initial value
Setting range
Setting method
0 to 4294967295
Each axis
Initial value
Setting range
Setting method
0 to 4294967295
Each axis
Initial value
Setting range
Setting method
0 [Refer to the text below for the unit.]
0 to 4294967295
Each axis