1.6 Extension setting 2 servo parameters group ([Pr. PE_ _ ])
[Pr. PE04_Fully closed loop control - Feedback pulse electronic
gear 1 - Numerator (**FBN)]
If using the fully closed loop control, set the electronic gear numerator to the servo motor encoder pulses.
Set the electronic gear so that the number of the servo motor encoder pulses per servo motor revolution is converted into
load-side encoder resolution.
If the reduced electronic gear numerator exceeds 2147483648 (31 bits), [AL. 037 Parameter error] occurs.
[Pr. PE05_Fully closed loop control - Feedback pulse electronic
gear 1 - Denominator (**FBD)]
If using the fully closed loop control, set the electronic gear denominator to the servo motor encoder pulses.
Set the electronic gear so that the number of the servo motor encoder pulses per servo motor revolution is converted into
load-side encoder resolution.
If the reduced electronic gear denominator exceeds 1073741824 (30 bits), [AL. 037 Parameter error] occurs.
[Pr. PE06_Fully closed loop control - Speed deviation error
detection level (BC1)]
Set the detection level for triggering [AL. 042.9 Fully closed loop control error based on speed deviation] of the fully closed
loop control error detection. If the difference between the speed calculated by the servo motor encoder and the speed
calculated by the load-side encoder exceeds the value of this servo parameter, the alarm occurs.
[Pr. PE07_Fully closed loop control - Position deviation error
detection level (BC2)]
Set the detection level for triggering [AL. 042.8 Fully closed loop control error based on position deviation] of the fully closed
loop control error detection. If the difference between the position of the servo motor encoder and the position of the load-side
encoder exceeds the value of this servo parameter, the alarm occurs.
[Pr. PE08_Fully closed loop dual feedback filter (DUF)]
Set a dual feedback filter band.
Initial value
Setting range
Setting method
1 to 4294967295
Each axis
Initial value
Setting range
Setting method
1 to 4294967295
Each axis
Initial value
Setting range
Setting method
400 [r/min]
1 to 50000
Each axis
Initial value
Setting range
Setting method
100 [kpulse]
1 to 20000
Each axis
Initial value
Setting range
Setting method
10 [rad/s]
1 to 4500
Each axis