1.7 Extension setting 3 servo parameters group ([Pr. PF_ _ ])
[Pr. PF74_Static friction during installation (SSF)]
Set a static friction for when the belt is attached to the equipment. Set the static friction with any of the following values
estimated by the friction estimation function depending on the value of [Pr. PF71.1 Belt tension deterioration prediction friction
selection]: static friction at forward rotation, static friction at reverse rotation, or the average of the estimated frictions.
[Pr. PF75_Static friction when extended (ASF)]
Set a static friction for when the belt stretches or for when the belt is looser than at the time of the attachment. Set the static
friction with any of the following values estimated by the friction estimation function depending on the value of [Pr. PF71.1 Belt
tension deterioration prediction friction selection]: static friction at forward rotation, static friction at reverse rotation, or the
average of the estimated frictions.
The belt tension deterioration prediction function is disabled when the setting is: [Pr. PF74 Static friction during installation] <
[Pr. PF75 Static friction when extended].
[Pr. PF76_Belt tension irregular threshold (BTS)]
Set a threshold to generate [AL. 0F7 Machine diagnosis warning]. Set this servo parameter as a percentage of [Pr. PF72 Belt
tension on installation]. When using the belt diagnosis function, input a value other than "0".
Belt tension threshold = [Pr. PF76 Belt tension irregular threshold]/100 × [Pr. PF72 Belt tension on installation]
Initial value
Setting range
Setting method
0 [0.1 %]
0 to 10000
Each axis
Initial value
Setting range
Setting method
0 [0.1 %]
0 to 10000
Each axis
Initial value
Setting range
Setting method
0 [0.1 %]
0 to 1000
Each axis
Static friction that triggers a warning
[Pr. PF75 Static friction when extended]
Belt tension threshold
[Pr. PF72 Belt tension
on installation]
[Pr. PF73 Belt tension
when extended]
[Pr. PF74 Static friction during installation]