You can add the marker stamp inside the “Stamp” folder.
Select a marker stamp
You can rotate the marker stamp by pressing
) and selecting “90°
to right/90° to left/180°”.
Select “Scale up/Scale down” to enlarge or shrink the marker stamp.
To select the marker stamp again, press
See page 539 for the pre-installed marker stamps.
to position the marker stamp
To add a marker stamp, press
). You can add the marker stamp also by pressing
) and selecting “Add”.
You can fix the marker stamp also by pressing
) and selecting “Set”.
Select a frame
You can fix the frame also by pressing
) from the display on the
right and selecting “Set”.
You can display the previous or next frame by pressing
from the display
on the right.
Press and hold
for at least one second to display sequentially.
To select another frame, press
) from the display on the right.
You can re-select a frame also by pressing
) and selecting
See page 539 for the pre-installed frames.
You can add the text.
Enter characters
You can enter up to 15 full-pitch or 30 half-pitch characters. However, the
number of characters you can enter decreases depending on the size of the still
) and select “Character color” to select a color; then, you
can change the color of characters. You can switch between “16 Color” and
“256 Color” by pressing
). Select “Font” and “Gothic style/Pop
style” to change the fonts. Select “Character size” and “Enlargement size/Standard size/Reduction
size” to enlarge or shrink characters. Select “Character Input” to edit entered characters.
See page 510 for how to enter characters.
to position the characters
You can fix the character stamp also by pressing
) and selecting “Set”.
To select another position, press
). You can re-select a position also by pressing
) and selecting “Cancel”.
You can change person’s expression.
Select an expression pattern
You can fix the funny transform also by pressing
) from the
display on the right and selecting “Set”.
To re-select an expression pattern, press
) from the display on
the right. You can re-select an expression pattern also by pressing
) and selecting “Cancel”.
Function menu
Marker stamp
Character stamp
Funny transform
Picture Edit display
) Do the following operations.
Function Menu of the Picture Edit Display