MP4 (Phone), ASF (miniSD memory card)
Video: MPEG4
Voice: AMR (Phone), G.726 (miniSD memory card)
QVGA (320 x 240), QCIF (176 x 144), Sub-QCIF (128 x 96)
asf, 3gp
Automatically set according to the date and time the image was recorded
(when shot at 10:00 on November 15, 2005)
“2005/11/15 10:00”
When “Set time” is not set
“----/--/-- --:--”
Automatically set according to the date and time the image was recorded
(when shot at 10:00 on November 15, 2005)
“200511151000” (Store in: Phone)
“MOL001” (Store in: miniSD)
When “Set time” is not set
“movie” (Store in: Phone)
“MOL001” (Store in: miniSD)
490 Kbytes (Store in: Phone)
Can be limited to the size which can attach to i-motion mail for taking a shot (see page 178).
Distribution to external devices is enabled by attaching to mail or by saving to miniSD memory card.
3.3 Mbytes (Phone)
See page 173 for the miniSD memory card.
i-motion player
File format
Coding system
File name
Maximum file size
Mail attachment/Distribution
Memory capacity
1 MPEG4 is short for Moving Picture Experts Group Phase4 which is a high efficiency coding (data compression) system
for use with mobile communications or the Internet.
2 See page 406 for file generation of asf and 3gp.
About Software for Playing Moving Images
To play back moving images (MP4) on a personal computer, you need to install “QuickTime 6.3” and “3GPP Component” or
“QuickTime 6.4” or later. You can download “QuickTime” from the web page of Apple Computer, Inc. free of charge.
Specifications for Still Image Shot
Specifications for Moving Image Shot
JPEG Baseline format
Photo: UXGA (1600 x 1200), SXGA (1280 x 960), VGA (640 x 480), CIF (352 x 288),
Stand-by (240 x 320), QCIF (176 x 144), Sub-QCIF (128 x 96)
Continuous shot: CIF (352 x 288), Stand-by (240 x 320), QCIF (176 x 144), Sub-QCIF (128 x 96)
Automatically set according to the date and time the image was saved and the number of shot frames
(when the 1st frame was shot at 10:00 on November 15, 2005)
“2005/11/15 10:00”
When “Set time” is not set
“image001” (Store in: Phone)
“P1000001” (Store in: miniSD)
Automatically set according to the date and time the image was saved and the number of shot frames
(when the 1st frame was shot at 10:00 on November 15, 2005)
“200511151000000” (Store in: Phone)
“P1000001” (Store in: miniSD)
When “Set time” is not set
“image001” (Store in: Phone)
“P1000001” (Store in: miniSD)
700 Kbytes
Distribution to external devices is enabled by attaching to mail or by saving to miniSD memory card.
2.8 Mbytes (Phone)
See page 168 for the miniSD memory card.
Picture Viewer
File format
File name
Maximum file size
Mail attachment/Distribution
Memory capacity