The FOMA phone has mail functions for sending and receiving i-mode mail and SMS messages.
You need to subscribe to i-mode to use i-mode mail.
Mail Functions of FOMA Phone
i-mode phone of the mova service
FOMA phone
FOMA phone
i-mode phone of the mova service
FOMA phone
FOMA phone
SMS messages can be exchanged between FOMA phones only.
Short Mail messages
sent from i-mode phones of the mova service are received as SMS messages by the FOMA phone.
The i-mode mail service is used for sending messages from the FOMA phone to i-mode phones of the mova service.
i-mode phone of the
mova service
i-mode phone
of the mova service
i-mode mail
Short Mail
(Dialing special
number 1655)
i-mode mail
i-mode mail
i-mode mail
i-mode mail
i-mode mail
Cannot receive
i-mode mail
Up to 50 full-pitch
Up to 250 full-pitch
Up to 70 full-pitch characters
Up to 5,000 full-pitch characters
Up to 2,000 full-pitch characters
The Short Mail service enables text messages to be exchanged between DoCoMo mobile phones.
• You cannot send Short Mail messages from the FOMA phone, even when you use the special number 1655.
• When a Short Mail message is sent from i-mode phones of the mova service, the FOMA phone receives it as an SMS message.
Varies according to the settings for the i-mode phone of the mova service.
Sending and Receiving of Mail