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User manual
Rev. 1.3 — 6 July 2012
832 of 1269
NXP Semiconductors
Chapter 28: LPC43xx State Configurable Timer (SCT)
28.6.22 SCT capture control registers 0 to 15 (REGMODEn bit = 1)
If UNIFY = 1 in the CONFIG register, only the _L bits are used.
If UNIFY = 0 in the CONFIG register, this register can be written to as two registers
CAPCTRLn_L (address 0x4000 4100 to 0x4000 413C) and CAPCTRLn_H (address
0x4000 4102 to 0x4000 413E). Both the L and H registers can be read or written
individually or in a single 32-bit read or write operation.
Each Capture Control register (L, H, or unified 32-bit) controls which events load the
corresponding Capture register from the counter.
28.6.23 SCT event state mask registers 0 to 15
Each event has one associated SCT event state mask register that allow this event to
happen in one or more states of the counter selected by the HEVENT bit in the
corresponding EVCTRLn register.
An event n is disabled when its EVSTATEMSKn register contains all zeros, since it is
masked regardless of the current state.
In simple applications that do not use states, write 0x01 to this register to enable an event.
Since the state always remains at its reset value of 0, writing 0x01 effectively permanently
state-enables this event.
28.6.24 SCT event control registers 0 to 15
This register defines the conditions for event n to occur, other than the state variable
which is defined by the state mask register. Most events are associated with a particular
counter (high, low, or unified), in which case the event can depend on a match to that
register. The other possible ingredient of an event is a selected input or output signal.
Table 669. SCT capture control registers 0 to 15 (CAPCTRL- address 0x4000 0200
(CAPCTRL0) to 0x4000 023C (CAPCTRL15)) bit description (REGMODEn bit = 1)
If bit m is one, event m causes the CAPn_L (UNIFY = 0) or the
CAPn (UNIFY = 1) register to be loaded (event 0 = bit 0, event 1
= bit 1,..., event 15 = bit 15).
If bit m is one, event m causes the CAPn_H (UNIFY = 0)
register to be loaded (event 0 = bit 16, event 1 = bit 17,..., event
15 = bit 31).
Table 670. SCT event state mask registers 0 to 15 (EVSTATEMSK - addresses 0x4000 0300
(EVSTATEMSK0) to 0x4000 0378 (EVSTATEMSK15)) bit description
If bit m is one, event n (n= 0 to 15) happens in state m of the
counter selected by the HEVENT bit (m = state number; state 0
= bit 0, state 1= bit 1,..., state 31 = bit 31).