EXPERT Standard Series User Manual
the display unit is %, 1 decimal place.
Quick parameter group
display selection
LED unit's digit: The first parameter display selection
0: Output frequency (before compensation)
1: Output frequency (after compensation)
2: Set frequency (Hz)
3: Output current (A)
4: Operating speed (rpm)
5: Set speed (rpm)
6: Reserved
7: Reserved
8: Output power (KW)
9: Output torque (%)
A: Output voltage (V)
B: Bus voltage (V)
C: AI1 analog quantity (V)
D: AI2 analog quantity (V)
E: Analog closed-loop feedback value (%)
F: Analog closed-loop given value (%)
LED ten's digit: The second parameter display selection
0~F: Ditto
LED hundred's digit: The third parameter display selection
0~F: Ditto
LED thousand's digit: The fourth parameter display selection
0~F: Ditto