EXPERT Standard Series User Manual
Parameter copy
0: No action
1: Parameter upload
2: Parameter download
3: Parameter download (group F0, group FF, excluding F1.08 and F3.00~F3.11)
1. During parameter uploading/downloading, it is required to perform parameter
uploading first, otherwise, the operation panel memory is null; after one parameter
uploading is completed, the function code parameters will be saved in the operation panel
2. Before downloading the parameters to the drive, if the memory is null, or the
parameters are incomplete, or the parameter version is inconsistent with the current drive
software version (the number of function codes is different), the parameter downloading is
not allowed, and system prompts a copy error message;
User password
The user password setting function is used to prohibit any unauthorized person to view
or modify function parameters.
When the user password function is not required, set this function code to 0000.
When the user password function is required, first enter four digits as the user
password, press the ENT button to confirm. If there's no key operation within 5 minutes
after that, the password will validate automatically.
Change password:
Press the PRG key to enter the password verification status, correctly enter the
original four digit password to enter the password edit status, select F0.04 (in this case,
F0.04 = 0000), enter a new password, and press the ENT key to confirm, the new
password validates.
Quick function parameter
selection display
This function is used whether the given pressure value displays in the quick parameter
group or not:
When F0.05 = 0, the set value of the quick parameter group is the set frequency, and
the display unit is Hz, 2 decimal places.
When F0.05 = 1, the set value of the quick parameter group is the given pressure, and