BUS Updated 12/2011
WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation
027-727 , 027-728
Status Indicator RAPs
Initial Issue
027-727 Extension Server Parameters RAP
The parameter used for the application interface is incorrect.
Check the destination host of the application interface and then repeat the operation.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (
GP 6
GP 16
027-728 Extension Server File RAP
The number of files requested to be sent exceeded the maximum number of files that can be
sent during Web service interface (this occurs when a single-page document is being stored).
Set the job so that the maximum number of files that can be sent will not be exceeded and
then repeat the operation.
Disconnect then reconnect the ESS, MCU all PWBs connected to them (RAM, Firmware
module, EEPROM)
Check the sw version of the controller sw - update if required (
GP 6
GP 16