2. General Description
IFU for Infinite 200 PRO No. 30052730 Rev. No. 1.6
Fluorescence Detection
Emission Filter
Wavelength-specific bandpass filters serve to discriminate unspecific
fluorescence signals from the sample-specific emission light of interest. Filters
are installed in removable slides and are user-exchangeable.
Fluorescence filters may be used interchangeably as excitation or emission
filters, depending on the measurement requirements.
The spot diameter for the Infinite F200 is about 2 mm (Standard Bottom Reading)
or 4 mm (Enhanced Bottom Reading), respectively.
PMT Detector
A photomultiplier tube (PMT) is used for the detection of such low light levels as
involved with fluorescence. For details, see section Fluorescence Intensity
Detection, page 29.
Fluorescence Polarization System (Infinite F200 PRO)
For technical details please refer to chapter 2.5.2 Fluorescence Intensity System
(Infinite F200 PRO).
An Infinite F200 PRO configured for Fluorescence Polarization (FP)
measurements is delivered with a standard FP filter slide. The filter slide is
equipped with filters and polarizers for excitation and emission, at 485 and
535 nm respectively, and can be applied for measuring, for example, fluorescein-
based FP applications.
For details on how to mount polarizers and FP filters please refer to
chapter 5.4 Defining Filter Slides (Infinite F200 PRO only).