5. Operating the Instrument
IFU for Infinite 200 PRO No. 30052730 Rev. No. 1.6
Using the Dispense Strip:
Select an appropriate plate type
Part of the plate
Select the wells to be dispensed
Set up the dispense parameters.
If both injectors are selected, all wells are first dispensed with injector A and
then with injector B.
The dispense strip does not require an additional measurement strip.
Dispense volume
The injection volume depends on the microplate type. The plate definition files
include a so-called working volume. This working volume defines the
maximum volume to be dispensed into the selected microplate. Therefore,
always make sure that the selected plate definition file contains the correct
setting for the working volume. The maximum dispense volume is
800 µl/dispense strip. If volumes greater than 800 µl are to be dispensed
(e.g. into 6-well plates), more than one dispense strip has to be used.