NCK alarms
Overview of Alarms
Siemens AG, 2006. All rights reserved
SINUMERIK, SIMODRIVE Diagnostics Manual (DA), 11/2006 Edition
Channel %1 command %2 has invalid PLC acknowledge parameter %3 -
identifier %4
%1 = Channel ID
%2 = Command no.
%3 = PLC acknowledge parameter
%4 = Error code
The specified command has been answered by PLC with an invalid acknowledgement in the current
combination. The following assignments are defined for "command no.":
1 Move tool, load or unload magazine
2 Prepare tool change
3 Execute tool change
4 Prepare tool change and execute with T command
5 Prepare tool change and execute with M command
7 Terminate canceled tool command
8 Check tool movement with reservation
9 Check tool movement
0 Transport acknowledgement
Parameters 2 and 3 designate the PLC command and the status number of the acknowledgement.
Example: Parameter 4 of the alarm message is 10. It is not defined whether a buffer location for
asynchronous tool motion must be reserved. In the example, the parameter is ignored by the NCK.
Further possible causes for the alarm: The tool change defined by the command is not possible. The
magazine location specified in the invalid parameter does not exist in the magazine.
The 3rd parameter - error identification - gives a more detailed description of the alarm. Meanings:
- 0 = not defined
- 1 = status not allowed or undefined status received by PLC
- 2 = source and/or target magazine no./location no. unknown
- 3 = not defined
- 4 = target magazine no. and/or location no. in tool motion command not end target
- 5 = not defined
- 6 = source and/or target magazine no./location no. unknown during tool change
- 7 = PLC comm. with inconsistent data: either inconsistent magazine addresses in VDI or NCK
command unequal to PLC acknowledgement or both
- 8 = PLC comm. with inconsistent data: while rejecting a tool, the tool to be rejected was unloaded
asynchronously. NCK cannot perform a new selection.
- 9 = PLC comm. with inconsistent data: the command acknowledgement data wants to move a tool
to a location that is occupied by another tool.
- 10 = it is not defined whether a buffer location for asynchronous tool motion must be reserved.
NC Start disable in this channel.
Interface signals are set.
Alarm display.
NC Stop on alarm.
Please inform the authorized personnel/service department. Erroneous PLC communication: Correct
the PLC program.
Clear alarm with the RESET key. Restart part program