NCK alarms
Overview of Alarms
Siemens AG, 2006. All rights reserved
SINUMERIK, SIMODRIVE Diagnostics Manual (DA), 11/2006 Edition
TO unit %1 Please change tool %2 into magazine. Repeat data backup
%1 = TO unit
%2 = T number of tool
The alarm can only occur when the tool management function is active in the NCK. (TOOLMAN = tool
management) A data backup of the tool/magazine data has been started. During the backup, the
system detected that tools are still located in the buffer magazine (= spindle, gripper, ...). During the
backup, these tools will lose the information which defines the magazine and location to which they
are allocated.
It is therefore practical -assuming that the data are to be stored exactly as before - to ensure that all
tools have been deposited in the magazine before the data backup!!
If this is not the case, some magazine locations will have the 'reserved' status when the data are
loaded again. This 'reserved' status must then be reset manually.
For tools with fixed location coding, the loss of the information allocating their location in the magazine
has the same effect as a general empty location search when they are returned to the magazine.
Interface signals are set.
Alarm display.
Ensure that no tools are located in the buffer magazine before the data backup. Repeat the data
backup after removing the tools from the buffer magazine.
Clear alarm with the Delete key or NC START.
TO unit %1 tool %2 is active, but not in the magazine area under
%1 = TO unit
%2 = Tool identifier
%3 = -Not used-
The alarm can only occur when the tool management function is active in the NCK. Either the
language command SETTA has been programmed or the corresponding operator action has been
carried out via MMC, PLC, .... The alarm can also be triggered automatically by the NCK in the wear
grouping function. It is detected that more than one tool from the tool group (tools with the same
name/identifier) has the status "active".
The specified tool is either
from a non-considered magazine,
from a non-considered wear grouping,
or from a non-active wear grouping
in a buffer location (is neither magazine nor wear grouping).
Interface signals are set.
Alarm display.
The alarm is intended for information purposes. If only one tool in a group can be active at a time for
technological reasons or for reasons of display, the "active" status must be canceled for the tool
causing the error.
Otherwise, the alarm can be ignored or even suppressed via the machine data
Typical reasons of display are present, if the operator works with the function 'definite D numbers',
which can be displayed on Siemens MMC in a definite form only, if exactly one tool from a tool group
has the status 'active'.
Before machining can be started or before the SETTA (or corresponding MMC operation, ...) language
command is used, all tools of the magazine should have the status "not active".
One option to achieve this is programming SETTIA (or corresponding MMC operation, ...).
Clear alarm with the Delete key or NC START.