Overview of Alarms
NCK alarms
Siemens AG, 2006. All rights reserved
SINUMERIK, SIMODRIVE Diagnostics Manual (DA), 11/2006 Edition
Error in data cross check NCK-PLC, %1[%2], NCK: %3; %4<ALSI>
%1 = Name of system variable in which the error was detected
%2 = System variable array index extension
%3 = NCK comparison value extension
%4 = Cross-check array index extension
Differences in the compared data have occured in a cyclic data cross check between NCK and PLC.
Parameter %1 specifies the erroneous system variable ($A_INSI, $A_OUTSI, $A_INSE, $A_OUTSE
or$A_MARKERSI) with error index %2.
Special cases:
- Alarm "Error in NCK-PLC data cross check, $MN_PREVENT_SYNACT_LOCK[0], ..." means that
the SPL startup status has been set differently in the NCK and PLC.
- Alarm "Error in NCK-PLC data cross check, $MN_SPL_STOP_MODE[0], ..." means that the SPL
stop reaction (Stop D or E) has been set differently in the NCK and PLC.
- Alarm "Error in NCK-PLC data cross check, TIMEOUT[0], NCK: 0" means that the communication
between NCK and PLC is generally disturbed and that a data cross check can no longer be performed.
With data cross-check errors on system variables $A_INSE, the hardware assignment parameterized
in MD $MN_SAFE_IN_HW_ASSIGN[0...7] is displayed in addition to the affected system variables in
alarm parameter %1, so that the affected hardware connection is shown directly by the specifications
in the alarm line.
Example: Error in NCK-PLC data cross-check, DMP 04.03 Bit 01=$A_INSE[2], NCK: 1;
The specifications in the example (04.03) correspond to the entries made in the machine data
$MN_SAFE_IN_HW_ASSIGN[0...7] for the mentioned system variable.
They specify:
DMP 04.xx The drive number of the affected terminal block (value range = 01...21).
DMP xx.03 Module number of the input module (value range = 01...08).
The indicated numbers are represented as hexadecimal numbers, same as in MD
Same as with the numbering of the inputs on the DMP modules, the bit numbers begin with value 0
(value range = 00...15).
When assigning the SPL inputs to the NC onboard inputs, the extended alarm text is as follows:
Error in NCK-PLC data cross-check, NC-Onboard-In 01=$A:INSE[1], NCK: 1; 2.
With parameter %4 a specific alarm message can be configured on HMI for all listed system variables:
%4 = 0: Error SPL startup status ($MN_PREVENT_SYNACT_LOCK[0,1] - DB18.DBX36.0)
or different stop reaction ($MN_SAFE_SPL_STOP_MODE - DB18.DBX36.1).
%4 = 1.... 64: Error in system variable $A_INSE[1...64]
%4 = 65...128: Error in system variable $A_OUTSE[1...64]
%4 = 129...192: Error in system variable $A_INSI[1...64]
%4 = 193...256: Error in system variable $A_OUTSI[1...64]
%4 = 257...320: Error in system variable $A_MARKERSI[1...64]
In order to parameterize alarm 27090, file ALSI_xx.com must be incorporated in data handling and
announced in HMI via MBDDE.INI in section[IndexTextFiles] ALSI=f:\dh\mb.dir\alsi_ . The definition
of this file can be changed by the machine OEM, in order to incorporate additional text passages in
the alarm that make sense for their system. If the file definition shall be changed, the new file must be
announced in the system via MBDDE.INI.
Via MD $MN_SAFE_ALARM_SUPPRESS_LEVEL the display of alarm 27090 can be influenced: MD
$MN_SAFE_ALARM_SUPPRESS_LEVEL = 2 : Alarm 27090 is only displayed for the data difference
found first.
Alarm display.
Trigger a STOP D/E (settable via MD $MN_SPL_STOP_MODE) on all axes with safety functionality,
as soon as the SPL start-up phase (MD $MN_PREVENT_SYNACT_LOCK[0,1] unequal to 0) is
Analyze the value displayed and evaluate DB18: SPL_DELTA on the PLC side.
Find the difference between the monitoring channels. Possible causes:
- Incorrect wiring
- Incorrect SPL
- Incorrect assignment of the axial SGEs to internal interface $A_OUTSI
- Incorrect assignment of the axial SGAs to internal interface $A_INSI