— 10-14 —
2 SS Motor series
Table 10-8 : Pulse train resolution (SS Motor series)
Resolution (pulses/360°) = number of pulses necessary for
giving the Motor one turn
Resolver resolution
CW & CCW format, Step & Direction format
øA/øB format
× 1
491 520
× 2
245 760
12-bit or automatic
resolution switching
491 520
× 4
122 880
× 1
122 880
× 2
61 440
CR × 1
(Shipping set)
122 880
× 4
30 720
× 1
245 760
× 2
122 880
12-bit or automatic
resolution switching
245 760
× 4
61 440
× 1
61 440
× 2
30 720
CR × 2
61 440
× 4
15 360
× 1
122 880
× 2
61 440
12-bit or automatic
resolution switching
122 880
× 4
30 720
× 1
30 720
× 2
15 360
CR × 4
30 720
× 4
7 680
× 1
360 000
× 2
180 000
CR360 000
12-bit/10-bit automatic
resolution switching
360 000
× 4
90 000
× 1
36 000
× 2
18 000
CR36 000
12-bit/10-bit automatic
resolution switching
36 000
× 4
9 000
× 1
3 600
× 2
1 800
CR3 600
12-bit/10-bit automatic
resolution switching
3 600
× 4
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