Reverse gear shifter lever
When installing reverse gear shifter lever, adjust dimension “a” as
illustrated below to 5 mm (0.197 in.) with gear shifter lever bolt (1).
This is necessary to keep the clearance between lever and second
gear on input shaft to more than 2 mm (0.078 in.) when shifting gear
into reverse.
Gear shifter fork shaft plugs
Before installing gear shifter fork shaft plugs, apply SUZUKI BOND
NO. 1215 (99000-31110) to the outer surface of the plugs.
Caulk transmission case with punch as shown below to prevent
plugs from coming off.
1. Caulking
C ring
Do not forget to fit counter shaft bearing C-rings and input shaft C-
ring in transmission case.
Counter shaft
Install the countershaft in lower case with gears on countershaft in
neutral (shifter fork shafts must also be in neutral), fitting the shifter
fork in the groove of sleeve.