1) Fill small amount of engine oil into arm pivot holding part of cylin-
der head. Install rocker arm (exhaust side) (1).
2) Apply engine oil to cams and journals on camshaft and put cam-
shaft on cylinder head. Install camshaft housing to camshaft
and cylinder head.
Apply engine oil to sliding surface of each housing against
camshaft journal.
Apply sealant to mating surface of No.1 housing (1) which will
mate with cylinder head.
“A” Sealant: 99000-31150
Embossed marks are provided on each camshaft housing,
indicating position and direction for installation.
Install housing as indicated by these marks.
As camshaft housing No. 1 retains camshaft in proper posi-
tion as to thrust direction, make sure to first fit No. 1 housing
to No. 1 journal of camshaft securely.
Indicates position from timing
belt side. Install in numerical
order starting from timing belt
Indicates direction of housing.
Install so that arrow is directed
toward timing belt side.
After applying engine oil to housing bolts, tighten them tem-
porarily first. Then tighten them by following sequence as in-
dicated in figure.
Tighten a little at a time and evenly among bolts and repeat
tightening sequence three to four times before they are
tightened to specified torque.
Tightening Torque
(a): 11 N
m (1.1 kg-m, 8.0 lb-ft)
3) Install new camshaft oil seal (1).
After applying engine oil to oil seal lip, press-fit camshaft oil seal
till oil seal surface becomes flush with housing surface.
4) Install distributor, refer to Section 6F.