5) Remove cap and using scale on gaging plastic envelope, mea-
sure gaging plastic (1) width at its widest point. If clearance ex-
ceeds its limit, replace bearing. Always replace both upper and
lower inserts as a unit.
A new standard bearing may produce proper clearance. If not,
it will be necessary to regrind crankshaft journal for use of 0.25
mm undersize bearing.
After selecting new bearing, recheck clearance.
Selection of main bearings
If bearing is in malcondition, or bearing clearance is out of specifi-
cation, select a new standard bearing according to following proce-
dure and install it.
1) First check journal diameter by using following procedure.
As shown in figure, crank webs of No.1 cylinder have four
stamped numerals.
Three kinds of numerals (“1”, “2” and “3”) represent following
journal diameters.
The first, second, third and fourth (left to right) stamped numer-
als represent journal diameters at bearing caps “1”, “2”, “3” and
“4” respectively.
For example, in figure, the first (leftmost) numeral “1” indicates
that journal dia. at bearing cap “1” is within 49.994 – 50.000 mm,
and second one “2” indicate that journal dia. at cap “2” is within
49.988 – 49.994 mm.
Bearing clearance
0.020 – 0.040 mm
(0.0008 – 0.0016 in.)
0.065 mm
(0.0026 in.)
Numeral stamped
Journal diameter
49.994 – 50.000 mm
(1.9683 – 1.9685 in.)
49.988 – 49.994 mm
(1.9680 – 1.9683 in.)
49.982 – 49.988 mm
(1.9678 – 1.9680 in.)