1. Sleeve
2. Hub
3. Key
4. High speed synchronizer spring
4) Fit high speed synchronizer sleeve (1) to hub (2), insert 3 keys
(3) in it and then set springs (4) as illustrated left.
No specific direction is assigned to high speed synchro-
nizer sleeve or each key but it is assigned as assembly.
Size of high speed synchronizer sleeve, hub, keys and
springs is between those of low speed and 5th speed
5) Drive in R bearing (1) to input shaft (2) by using special tool and
Special Tool
(A): 09925-98221
6) Install 3rd gear needle bearing, apply oil to it, then install 3rd
gear (1) and synchronizer ring (2).
7) Drive in high speed sleeve & hub assembly (3) by using special
tool and hammer.
While press-fitting sleeve & hub (3), make sure that syn-
chronizer ring key slots are aligned with keys in sleeve
& hub assembly.
Check free rotation of 3rd gear (1) after press-fitting
sleeve & hub assembly (3).
Needle bearings and synchronizer rings for 3rd and 4th
are identical respectively.
Special Tool
(B): 09913-84510
8) Install circlip (1), needle bearing (2), apply oil to bearing, then
install synchronizer ring (3) and 4th gear (4).
Confirm that circlip (1) is installed in groove securely.