Vacuum measurement
The vacuum that develops in the intake line is a good indicator of
the condition of the engine.
It is for this reason that the vacuum is measured. The measuring
procedure is as follows:
1) Warm up engine until it is normal operating temperature.
After warming up engine, place transmission gear shft le-
ver in “Neutral” (shift select lever to “P” range for A/T mod-
el), and set parking brake and block drive wheels.
2) With engine stopped, disconnect pressure regulator vacuum
hose (1) from intake manifold (2) and connect 3-way joint,
hoses and special tool (vacuum gauge and joint) between in-
take manifold and vacuum hose disconnected.
Special Tool
(A): 09915-67310
(B): 09918-08210
(C): 3-way joint 09367-04002
3) Run the engine at the specified idling speed and, under this run-
ning condition, read the vacuum gauge. The vacuum should be
not lower than 53.7 kPa (40 cm Hg, 15.7 in. Hg).
A low vacuum reading means that any combination of the fol-
lowing malconditions is the cause, which must be corrected be-
fore releasing the machine to the customer:
(a) Leaky cylinder head gasket
(b) Leaky intake manifold gasket
(c) Leaky valves
(d) Weakened valve springs
(e) Maladjusted valve clearance
(f) Valve timing out of adjustment
(g) Ignition mistimed
4) After checking, remove vacuum gauge and connect vacuum
hose to intake manifold.
5) Before reinstalling vacuum checking plug, be sure to wrap its
screw threads with sealing tape and tighten plug.
Standard vacuum
53.7 – 60.4 kPa
(40 – 45 cm Hg, 15.7 – 17.7 in. Hg)
Idling speed
900 r/min (rpm)
(Take vacuum reading at this speed.)