2) Pull out input shaft bearing (1) from flywheel (2) using special
tool and wrench.
Special Tool
(B): 09917-58010 (For 5-speed transmission)
(B): 09921-20200 (For 4-speed transmission)
Input Shaft Bearing
Check input shaft bearing (1) for smooth rotation and replace it if
abnormality is found.
Clutch Disc
Measure depth of rivet head depression, i.e. distance between rivet
head and facing surface. If depression is found to have reached
service limit at any of holes, replace disc assembly.
Rivet head depth
1.2 mm (0.05 in.)
Service limit:
0.5 mm (0.02 in.)
Clutch Cover
Check diaphragm spring (1) for abnormal wear or damage.
Inspect pressure plate (2) for wear or heat spots.
If abnormality is found, replace it as assembly. Do not disas-
semble it into diaphragm and pressure plate.
Check surface contacting clutch disc for abnormal wear or heat
spots. Replace or repair as required.