3) Install bump stopper onto strut rod. For installing direction, refer
to the figure on previous page.
4) Pull strut rod as far up as possible and use care not to allow it
to retract into strut.
5) Install spring seat (2), mating stepped part of seat with spring
upper end (1) as shown. And then similarly install spring upper
seat (3) on seat.
6) Wash strut bearing (8) and apply grease. Install it on spring up-
per seat (9). For installing direction, refer to the figure.
7) Wash bearing seat (7) and install it as shown.
8) On bearing seat and bearing dust seal (12), install mount seat
comp (6), strut mount (5), support (4)-and-rebound stopper (3)
and inner support (2) in this sequence. Be careful for installing
direction. Tighten strut nut (1) to specified torque and then apply
waterproof coating (paint or lacquer) all around nut and strut rod
screw part.
Tightening Torque
(a): 50 N·m (5.0 kg-m, 36.0 lb-ft)
9) Loosen and remove special tool compressing coil spring (10).
While loosening special tool, recheck that stepped part of spring
seat (11) and spring end are in place to each other as described
in foregoing steps 2) and 5).
13. Strut assembly
14. Bump stopper
15. Lock washer