iPECS eMG80/100& eMG800 & UCP & vUCP
Administration and Programming Manual
Issue 2.3
Set Maintenance ID & Password
The Wizard includes a password entry page. It is strongly recommended that a unique User ID and strong
password be entered to minimize the risk of admin and maintenance access by unauthorized personnel.In
order to finish the final step, you should register at least a maintenance ID. If not so, the Wizard can’t go on to
the next. Also, Keyset admin password can be registered in this page.
The new information will be in effect immediately upon saving the information. When a new Admin User ID
and Password are saved, the Web login screen appears. A new Admin session will be required using the new
login credentials.The number of Tenancy group for each system is as below:
100 groups
32 groups
15 groups
Set IP Information
The IP Information page establishes the IP address scheme. DHCP can be enabled or static addressing can
be configured. When the system is behind a firewall, the Firewall address must be entered allowing proper
operation with remote users, devise and SIP trunks. A DNS (Directory Name Server) for Domain Name
resolution should also be entered on this page.
Note that changing any IP address in the system requires a system reset; the reset does not initialize data.