User manual of EL8-EC***F AC Servo
Read data from 6064h object dictionary
Please read data only when the motor is fully stopped or it might cause calculation
errors. Please repeat this step for at least twice to make sure the result is uniform.
Multiturn linear mode(Pr0.15 = 1)
Multiturn absolute with memory of position at power off. Use this mode when travel
distance is constant, encoder multiturn data would not overflow.
In this mode, encoder data ranges from -32768~32767. If the value either of the limits,
Er157 might occur. Set 9 in Pr0.15 to clear multiturn data and home the axis.
Multiturn rotational mode
For absolute encoder, multiturn rotational mode (Pr0.15 = 2, Pr6.63 set to multiturn
upper limit) is added on top of incremental mode and multiturn linear mode. Actual
feedback multiturn data is always between 0 – [Pr6.63 + 1], regardless of the direction
of rotation. There is no limit to no. of rotation and no data overflow.
Single turn absolute mode
Use this mode when the travel distance of the axis is within a single turn of the rotor.
1. Target position input range – EtherCAT
When using 23-bit absolute encoder, under single turn absolute mode, electronic
gear ratio =1:1
Homing point offset 607Ch = 0, target position range = 0 – [2
Axis is homed, target position range = 607Ch – [2