Recovery tools disk
When pressing the down arrow key during the Integrated system boot process,
the recovery partition tools are started.
Use the arrow keys to select the tool and press enter to start the tool.
Figure E.3:
Recovery partition boot manager
GHS Integrated System Windows
Boots the standard Windows
software and starts the Perception software.
GHS Integrated System Image Restore [EMS enabled]
Starts the Windows
recovery process to restore the GENSystem Partition
to its original factory setup.
For more information on GHS Integrated system image restore, please
refer to "GHS Integrated system image restore" on page 813.
BIOS Update [EMS Enabled]
Restores the GHS Integrated system BIOS to its factory defaults.
For more information on Restoring the GHS Integrated system BIOS,
please refer to "GHS Integrated system BIOS update" on page 861.
EMS enabled is a technical step to allow both BIOS Update and image restore
to run their process correctly. This is of no concern for the user of the system.
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