Fast Sweep
Maximum number of sweeps
1 per recording
Maximum slow sample rate
Fast sample rate divided by two or 50 kS/s per channel, whichever is the smallest sample
Maximum sample rate switches
20, sample rate switching always stops when sweep ends
Minimum time between sample rate switches
2.5 ms
Continuous modes supported
Standard, Circular recording, Specified time and Stop on trigger
User starts and stops recording. Recording is stopped when the storage media is full
Circular recording
User specified recording history on storage media. All recorded data is stored on the storage
media as quickly as possible. As soon as the selected history time is reached, older recorded
data is overwritten. Recording can be stopped by the user or any system trigger.
Specified time
Recording is stopped after the time specified or when the storage media is full
Stop on trigger
Recording is stopped after any system trigger or when the storage media is full
Continuous FIFO memory
Used by enabled channels to optimize the continuous streaming rate
Maximum recording time
Until storage media filled or user selected time or unlimited when using circular recording
Maximum aggregate streaming rate per
Determined by mainframe, Ethernet speed, PC storage medium and other PC parameters.
For details, please refer to the mainframe datasheet
Exceeding aggregate streaming rate
When a streaming rate higher than the aggregate streaming rate of the system is selected,
the continuous memory acts as a FIFO. As soon as this FIFO fills up, the recording is
suspended (no data is recorded temporarily). During this period, the internal FIFO memory
is transferred to a storage medium. When internal memory is completely empty again, the
recording is automatically resumed. User notifications are added to the recording file for
post recording identification of storage overrun.
I3763-3.1 en HBM: public