Master/Slave Synchronization
GEN series mainframes support a standard Master/Slave synchronization connector. The connector can be used as a single Master output or
as a Slave input. The Master output function can be extended using the Master output card (G083).
Master/Slave Synchronization
Figure A.5:
Master/Slave synchronization connector
Mainframe to mainframe phase shift
150 ns RMS; measured on analog signals using identical acquisition cards, identical
sample rates and filter settings in each mainframe
LED signaling
Optical link synchronized, not connected, function disabled
Master mode
Basic and extended synchronization supported; Supports one Slave.
Multiple Slave support by using one or more optional Master output cards (G083)
Slave mode
Basic and extended synchronization supported
Maximum number of mainframes
2; more mainframes supported when using one or more optional Master output cards (G083)
Time required to full synchronization after Master/Slave signal detected
No recording active
Typically 1 minute
Recording or pause active
1 minute and an additional 25 s per ms recording time deviation from Master time
User notifications while recording
Time marks on Master/Slave signal lost/restored and Master/Slave time synchronized
Basic synchronization
Cable length propagation delay
Automatic cable length detection and propagation delay compensation
First sample
Synchronizes the first sample in a continuous recording for each mainframe. Cable length
propagation delay not compensated for at start of recording. First samples not recorded in
the Slave mainframes, as defined by the propagation delays. Signal phase shifts are not
introduced by this propagation delay.
Synchronized time base
Prevents frequency drift of the sample rates within each mainframe
Measured channel trigger exchange
Synchronously exchanges measured channel triggers connected to the Master/Slave
trigger bus to/from each connected mainframe. Typically used for the sweep recording
Basic synchronization features are backward compatible with GEN series Master/Slave
card option for both Master and Slave modes
Extended synchronization
Calculated channel trigger exchange
Additional trigger bus to synchronously exchange trigger conditions detected on real
calculated (RTC) channels between mainframes. RTC channel triggers have a longer delay
caused by the required calculation time prior to establishing a trigger.
Synchronous manual trigger
User action within Perception to trigger all mainframes synchronously
Synchronous recording actions
Start/Stop and Pause a recording across multiple mainframes, each of which is controlled
by a separate instance of Perception. Stop recording is a non
synchronous action.
Synchronously records distributed data with a mix of two GEN7i/GEN3i/GEN2i mainframes
in Master/Slave setup while running Perception on each of the mainframes. A more typical
Master/Slave setup would be to stop Perception on one system and use one instance of
Perception application to control both systems.
Extended synchronization features are not supported by the legacy Master/Slave card
option. A mixed system setup automatically works with basic synchronization.
Optical wavelength
850 nm
Optical cable type
Multi Mode 50/125 μm
Optical data rate
2 Gbit/s
Maximum cable length
500 m; Automatic cable length detection and propagation delay compensation
Connector type
Duplex LC
I3763-3.1 en HBM: public