Direction input (B)
The direction signal determines whether the counter is
incremented (direction = “0”), or decremented (direction = “1”) on each rising
edge of the counter input.
The reset signal resets the counter to zero. Software control determines
the reset enabling and the active level.
Use Perception to select the operation mode of the counter/timer channel.
The most common type of incremental encoder uses two output channels (A
and B) to sense position. Using two code tracks with sectors positioned 90
degrees out of phase, the two output channels of the quadrature encoder
indicate the position and direction of rotation. For example, if A leads B, the disk
is rotating in a clockwise direction. If B leads A, then the disk is rotating in a
clockwise direction.
By monitoring both the number of pulses and the relative phase of signals A
and B, both the position and direction of rotation can be tracked.
Some quadrature encoders also include a third output channel, called a zero,
index or reference signal. The third output channel supplies a single pulse per
revolution. This single pulse is used to determine a reference position precisely.
Configure the Timer/Counters in Perception
To activate Channel 8 or Channel 9 in Perception
Change the resolution of Recorder B to
18 bit
Figure 12.72:
Activating Channel 8 or Channel 9 in Perception
Recorder B with 18 bit resolution
I3763-3.1 en HBM: public