Dual Sweep Specification
trigger segment
0% to 100% of selected sweep length
If trigger occurs before the pre
trigger segment is recorded, the pre
trigger segment is
truncated to recorded data only.
Delayed trigger
Maximum 1000 seconds after a trigger occurred. The sweep is recorded immediately after
a delayed trigger time with 100% post
trigger after this time point.
Maximum number of sweeps
200 000 per recording
Maximum sweep rate
400 sweeps per second
Sweep re
arm time
Zero re
arm time, sweep rate limited to 1 sweep per 2.5 ms
Sweep stretch
User selectable On/Off
When enabled, any new trigger event occurring in the post
trigger segment of the sweep
restarts the post
trigger length. If, upon the detection of a new trigger, the extended post
trigger does not fit within the sweep memory, sweep stretch does not happen. The maximum
sweepstretch rate is 1 sweep stretch per 2.5 ms.
Sweep storage
In dual mode, the storage of the continuous data is prioritized above the storage of the
sweep data. If enough storage rate is available, the sweep storage is started immediately
after the trigger for this sweep has been detected. Sweep memory becomes available for
reuse as soon as storage of the entire sweep for all enabled channels of this card has been
completed. Sweeps are stored one by one, starting with the first recorded sweep.
Sweep storage rate
Determined by the continuous sample rate, total number of channels and mainframes,
mainframe type, Ethernet speed, PC storage medium and other PC parameters. For details,
please refer to mainframe datasheet.
Exceeding sweep storage rate
Continuous recorded data is not stopped, trigger event markers are stored in recording and
no new sweep data is stored. A new sweep is recorded as soon as enough internal memory
is available to capture a full sweep when a trigger occurs.
Dual Continuous Specifications
Continuous FIFO memory
Used by enabled channels to optimize the continuous streaming rate
Maximum recording time
Until storage media filled or user selected time
Maximum aggregate streaming rate per
Determined by mainframe, Ethernet speed, PC storage medium and other PC parameters.
For details, please refer to the mainframe datasheet.
When the average aggregate streaming rate is exceeded, the sweep storage speed is
automatically reduced to increase the aggregate streaming rate until the sweep storage is
stopped completely.
Exceeding aggregate storage rate
When a streaming rate higher than the aggregate streaming rate of the system is selected,
the continuous memory acts as a FIFO. As soon as this FIFO fills up, the recording is
suspended (no data is recorded temporarily). During this period, the internal FIFO memory
is transferred to the storage medium. When the internal memory (Continuous and Sweep
memory) is completely empty, the recording is automatically resumed. User notifications
are added to the recording file for post recording identification of storage overrun.
I3763-3.1 en HBM: public