Connectors and cables
The specified
50 V DC voltage range of the Isolated Basic acquisition card is
such that it falls below the low voltage limit as specified in IEC61010.
The limit for safe voltage and currents is set in the IEC61010
1 standard in
Section 6.3 – limit values for accessible parts. The limits are:
Table 12.4: Limit for safe voltage and currents is set in the IEC61010
Normal operation
Single fault condition
70 V DC
140 V DC
33 V RMS
55 V RMS
46.7 V peak
78 V peak
2 mA DC
15m A DC
0.5 mA RMS
3.5m A RMS
0.7 mA peak
5 mA peak
It is good practice to use isolated measurement cables. However, since the
voltage range of the Isolated Basic card falls below the low voltage limit for
accessible parts, non
protected or non
shrouded connectors can also be used
with this card.
Figure 12.25:
Safe connectors for use with Isolated Basic acquisition cards
Understanding the GN815 and GN816 isolation
The specified
50 V DC voltage range of the Isolated Basic acquisition card is
such that it falls below the low voltage limit as specified in IEC61010.
I3763-3.1 en HBM: public