GR740-UM-DS, Nov 2017, Version 1.7
Level 2 Cache controller
The L2 cache works as an AHB to AHB bridge, caching the data that is read or written via the bridge.
The cache is a unified cache and data may exist in both the processor Level-1 caches and the Level-2
cache, or only in a Level-1 or the Level-2 cache. A front-side AHB interface is connected to the Pro-
cessor AHB bus, while a backend AHB interface is connected to the Memory AHB bus. Figure 8
shows a system block diagram for the cache controller.
Note that the L2 cache is disabled after reset and should be enabled by boot software.
The Level-2 cache is implemented as a multi-way cache with an associativity of four. The replace-
ment policy can be configured as: LRU (least-recently-used), pseudo-random or master-index (where
the way to replace is determine by the master index). The way size is 512 KiB with a line size of 32
Replacement policy
The cache supports three different replacement policies: LRU (least-recently-used), (pseudo-) random
and master-index. The reset value for replacement policy is LRU.
With the master-index replacement policy, master 0 would replace way 1, master 1 would replace way
2 and so on. For master indexes corresponding to a way number larger than the number of imple-
mented ways there are two options to determine which way to replace. One option is to map all these
master index to a specific way. This is done by specifying this way in the index-replace field in the
control register and selecting this option in the replacement policy field also located in the control reg-
ister. It is not allowed to select a locked way in the index-replace field. The second option is to replace
way = ((master index) modulus (number of ways)). This option can be selected in the replacement
policy field.
Write policy
The cache can be configured to operate as write-through or copy-back cache. Before changing the
write policy to write-through, the cache has to be disabled and flushed (to write back dirty cache lines
to memory). This can be done by setting the Cache disable bit when issue a flush all command. The
Figure 8.
Block diagram
Memory AHB bus
Processor AHB bus