GR740-UM-DS, Nov 2017, Version 1.7
11.2.8 Interrupts
After an interrupt is generated, either the NE bit or the DONE bit in the status register is set, to indi-
cate which type of event caused the interrupt.
The normal procedure is that an interrupt routine handles the error with the aid of the information in
the status registers. When it is finished it resets the NE bit in the AHB status register or the DONE bit
in the scrubber status register, and the monitoring becomes active again. Error interrupts can be gener-
ated for both AMBA ERROR responses and correctable errors as described above.
11.2.9 Mode switching
Switching between scrubbing and regeneration modes can be done on the fly during a scrub by modi-
fying the MODE field in the configuration register. The mode change will take effect on the following
scrub burst.
If the address range needs to be changed, then the memory scrubber should be stopped before updat-
ing the registers. This is done by clearing the SCEN bit, and waiting for the ACTIVE bit in the status
register to go low. An exception is when making the range larger (i.e. increasing the end address or
decreasing the start address), as this can be done on the fly.
11.2.10 Dual range support
The scrubber can work over two non-overlapping memory ranges. This feature is enabled by writing
the start/end addresses of the second range into the scrubber’s second range start/end registers and set-
ting the SERA bit in the configuration register. The two address ranges should not overlap.