Teledyne Continental Motors, Inc.
IOF-550 Permold Series Engine Maintenance Manual
1 April 2007
2-2.6.1. Fuel Pump
Fuel enters the fuel pump at the top of the vapor separator swirl chamber where it is
centrifuged, separating the liquid from any fuel vapors. The liquid fuel is directed to the
fuel pump inlet vanes. The fuel pump vanes create the necessary differential pressure
required to draw fuel into the pump inlet and expel pressurized fuel from the pump outlet.
Fuel vapor is separated in the swirl chamber and is returned to the aircraft’s fuel tank.
From the fuel pump outlet, fuel travels through various fittings and fuel lines to the fuel
distribution block and fuel injector nozzles.
The positive displacement, engine-driven fuel pump varies the amount of fuel delivered
to the manifold in proportion with engine speed changes. The fuel pump is sized to
provide greater capacity than the engine requires. An integral aneroid valve functions to
increase pump output pressure during high manifold pressure operation. This
combination of mechanical control ensures proper pump pressure and delivery for all
engine operating speeds.
A check valve is provided to allow the aircraft boost pump pressure to bypass the engine
driven fuel pump during engine priming and starting. The check valve also permits the
use of an aircraft auxiliary fuel boost pump.
Figure 2-19.
Fuel Pump