Teledyne Continental Motors, Inc.
IOF-550 Permold Series Engine Maintenance Manual
1 April 2007
Handling Parts
When removing, replacing, or re-installing parts, heed the following precautions,
warnings, and tips:
If the power is not turned OFF, a loose or broken wire could
allow the engine to start and the propeller to rotate. Do not
stand or allow anyone else to stand within the rotational arc of
the propeller.
If the engine is installed, disconnect electrical power to the engine and verify the
Ignition Switch is turned OFF to prevent accidental starting of the engine while
working on the engine.
Inspect replacement parts for deterioration or wear. Do not install parts that appear
worn or deteriorated.
Prevent safety wire, nuts, washers, dirt, etc. from entering the engine.
If anything accidentally falls into the engine, stop working on the engine immediately
and retrieve the dropped object(s).
Tag unserviceable parts or units for investigation and possible repair.
To promote proper re-installation of usable parts, tag or mark all parts and hardware
as they are removed or disassembled.
Use protective caps, plugs, and covers to ensure openings are unexposed. Install dust
the tube ends of open lines and
the tube ends. Be sure to remove
the dust caps and covers after the maintenance or repair work is complete.
Cover engine sub-assemblies.
Inspect new parts for transit damage.
Do not install damaged or non-conforming
. Re-seal or rewrap the new part until the part is ready to be cleaned, prepared,
and installed.
Check the shelf life of new parts to be installed. Do not install parts with an expired
shelf life.
Ensure all parts are thoroughly clean; refer to the “Cleaning” section in the
Maintenance and Overhaul Manual (M-18) for cleaning information.
Use only a plastic or rawhide mallet to tap engine parts during assembly; never use a
Always install new gaskets, o-rings, rubber components, seals, packing, cotter pins,
tab washers, safety wire, and lock washers when servicing components.
Use only new, shakeproof or split lock washers, tab washers, elastic stop nuts, cotter
pins, and corrosion-resistant safety wire.
Do not replate cadmium-plated fasteners or washers. If the cadmium plating has been
removed, discard the item and replace it with a new part.
Do not re-install any worn, deformed, or single use fasteners.
Torque hardware according to torque specifications in Appendix B of this manual.
Before installing nuts and bolts, verify the fastening hardware is lubricated as
specified in Appendix B of this manual. Inspect all fasteners for proper plating and
thread form. Failure to verify a fastener’s serviceability or to correctly lubricate the