Operational Performance Checks
Teledyne Continental Motors, Inc.
IOF-550 Permold Series Engine Maintenance Manual
1 April 2007
6-1.1. Maintenance Preflight Inspection
Prior to starting the engine, a complete preflight inspection of the engine, propeller,
nacelle, and aircraft must be accomplished. Perform the inspection prior to the first flight
following engine installation, inspection, troubleshooting, maintenance, or overhaul work
to determine if the aircraft and engine are in an airworthy condition. Do not allow a
malfunctioning engine to return to flight.
Operation of a malfunctioning engine can result in additional
damage to the engine, possible bodily injury, or death.
Verify all switches are OFF.
Check the throttle, propeller, and alternate air controls for freedom of movement and
for full range of travel.
Ensure the propeller plane of rotation area is clear and the
work area is free of any spark or ignition sources.
Drain all fuel sumps and filters in accordance with the airframe manufacturer’s
The engine is certified for operation with 100-LL Blue or 100
Green aviation fuel. If the minimum grade required is not
available, use the next higher grade. Never use a lower grade
fuel. Using lower octane rated fuel or jet fuel will result in
damage to, or destruction of, an engine the first time high
power is applied. This would most likely occur on take-off. If
the aircraft is inadvertently serviced with the wrong fuel grade,
the fuel system must be completely drained and the tanks
serviced in accordance with the aircraft manufacturer’s
recommendations. The engine must be inspected in accordance
with TCM service documents.
Service the aircraft fuel system in accordance with the airframe manufacturer's
instructions. Fill the fuel tanks with either 100-LL Blue or 100 Green aviation fuel. If
the minimum grade required is not available, use the next higher grade available.
Never use a lower grade fuel.
Check the engine oil level. Service the oil sump according to “Engine Oil Servicing”
instructions in Chapter 9.
Verify the engine crankcase breather is secure with no breather airflow restrictions.