Teledyne Continental Motors, Inc.
Non-Overhaul Removal and Replacement
IOF-550 Permold Series Engine Maintenance Manual
1 April 2007
When the cylinder is removed, install the spark plugs and inspect the cylinder for
static leaks by filling the inverted cylinder bore with nonflammable solvent and check
for leaks at the static seal areas.
Refer to Chapters 7 through 10 of the Overhaul Manual (OH-24) instructions on
cylinder disassembly, inspection, and repair.
Re-assemble cylinders which conform to inspection criteria in accordance with
service limits using instructions in Section 10-8.8, “IOF-550-N, P and R Engine
Cylinder Installation.”
10-8.5. Cylinder Service Limits
Dimensional limits differ for the IOF-550-B and C engines and IOF-550-N, P, and R
engines. Refer to the appropriate sections for the correct service limits.
Inspect the “power stroke areas” according to the “Cylinder Visual Inspection” in
Chapter 7, Maintenance Inspections.
Inspect cylinder bore dimensions according to Section 10-8.5.2 “IOF-550-B & C
Series Engines Cylinders Service Limits” or Section 10-8.5.3 “IOF-550-N, P, and R
Cylinder Service Limits.” If honed cylinder bores do not conform to the standard size
dimensions, grind to the next oversize dimension up to 0.15 inches oversize
maximum. (Refer to the “Cylinder Bore Honing” section of Chapter 9, Overhaul
Inspection and Repair (OH-24) for instructions on grinding and honing.)
Inspect the cylinder base flanges for flatness with a straightedge. If a flange exceeds
0.001 inches out of flat, replace the cylinder.
Inspect the cylinder base flange studs for security, thread condition, and straightness
with a tool maker’s square. Replace loose or bent studs or studs with damaged threads
according to instructions Chapter 9 and Appendix D of the Overhaul Manual (OH-
Dimensionally inspect tapped stud bores of removed studs and helical coils using a
thread gauge to determine the appropriate replacement stud or helical coil size and
thread pitch.
Dimensionally inspect the intake flange studs, cylinder exhaust flange studs, and
rocker studs are hold down stud holes using a tool maker’s square and thread gauge.
Determine appropriate oversize replacement stud sizes. Replace studs according to
instructions Chapter 9 and Appendix D of the Overhaul Manual (OH-24).
Inspect the intake and exhaust valves for indications of burning, pitting erosion, or
cracks. Replace on condition using the inspection criteria in Chapter 9 of the
Overhaul Manual and Service Limits in Section 10-8.5.2 or Section 10-8.5.3.
Inspect the pushrods for cracks, nicks, burrs, pitting or corrosion. Inspect the rod caps
for cracks or erosion. Verify the rod cap oil passages are clear and the bores meet
Service Limit specifications. Dimensionally inspect the pushrods length and cap
diameter with a micrometer and Service Limit specifications. Inspect runout with V-
blocks and an air gauge. The IOF-550 pushrod runout Service Limit is 0.003” total
indicator reading over the length of the pushrod.