Fiber Link Administration
Issue 7 November 2003
Circuit Pack Form
After installing the equipment (including circuit packs), the circuit packs must be
administered before the fiber link is administered. Refer to Administrator’s Guide
for Avaya™ Communication Manager for more information.
The following information describes general circuit pack administration
a. Use the Circuit Packs form to administer circuit packs to carrier slots. Install
or administer the circuit packs (or assigned using the Circuit Packs form)
before administering voice terminals, attendant consoles, or trunks.
b. Each page of the form represents 1 carrier in the cabinet shown on the
command line.
c. For initial installation, assign circuit packs to slots using the hardware
configuration layout record from the factory or Customer Services
Organization. Do not arbitrarily assign circuit packs to slots.
d. If the carrier type administered on the Cabinet Administration form does not
match the physical hardware, question marks (??) may display in the Code
e. When a circuit pack in a slot differs from what has been administered on
the form, a “#” displays between the “Sfx” and “Name” fields to indicate a
f. The number of slot fields displayed represents administrable slots for the
given carrier type.
Administer Fiber Links on Simplex Systems
Administer the TN570 Expansion Interface and the TN574 or TN1654 DS1
Converter circuit packs.
1. Type change circuit packs and press
. Scroll through the pages on
the form until the carrier containing the new circuit packs displays on the
2. Enter the circuit packs into the appropriate slot locations on the form. Press
when finished.
3. Type list fiber and press
. All administered fiber connections display.
4. If a previously used fiber link is to be reused, enter add fiber <number>
and press
. If this is a new fiber link, type add fiber next and press
. The Fiber Link Administration screen appears. Each fiber link is
identified by a fiber number.
a. Type y or n in the field
Is one endpoint remoted via DS1
Converter complex?
and press
b. Enter the location of the TN570 and the TN574 or TN1654 circuit
packs for both ENDPOINT-1 and ENDPOINT-2.