Add Center Stage Switch
Issue 7 November 2003
Add Center Stage Switch
Because of the numerous installation possibilities for center stage switches, this
section is intended to provide general installation procedures only. For exact
requirements per site, contact your Avaya representative.
The center stage switch (CSS) is comprised of 1, 2, or 3 switch nodes (SNs).
Each SN consists of a switch node carrier (SNC), or 2 SNCs for high reliability.
Each SNC supports up to 16 switch node interface (SNI) circuit packs and up to
16 EPNs. Connections between the CSS and PNs, and between SNs within the
CSS, are generally made with fiber optic links.
shows 1 switch node
used as a center stage switch for 11 EPNs.
Figure 6-25.
Single Switch Node CSS
Figure Notes
1. Switch Node 1
2. PPN Cabinet
3. EPN Cabinet 1
4. EPN Cabinet 11
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