Convert to SCC EPN
Issue 7 November 2003
Convert to SCC EPN
As you are wiring the PPN installation, label the MDF with the new PN number of
the SCC PPN. The STS software upgrade assigns the next PN number (after the
highest numbered PN in the Release 5/6si system) to the upgraded EPN.
Check Link Status
1. Enter display communication-interface links and press
2. Note all administered links.
3. Type status link number and press
for each administered link.
Check the following fields for the values listed:
Link Status
= connected
Service State
= in service
For Release 7 and later, the only way to determine if an ISDN-PRI
D-Channel is up is to
1. Type list signaling group and press
Note the signaling groups listed by number.
2. For each of the signaling groups listed, type status signaling
group <number> and press
4. If any of the links are not up, take the necessary corrective action to restore
the link before continuing with the upgrade.
Shut Down DEFINITY LAN Gateway System
Neglecting to shut down a DEFINITY LAN Gateway assembly before
powering down the system cabinet can damage the LAN Gateway disk.
1. Log onto the DEFINITY LAN Gateway. See the DEFINITY
Communications System Generic 3 Installation, Administration and
Maintenance of CallVisor ASAI over the DEFINITY LAN Gateway for the
procedure to log on.
2. When the main menu appears, select Maintenance > Reset System >
3. Unseat the LAN Gateway assembly from its backplane connectors.